Sunday, September 05, 2004

The shadows loved to go for walks in the sunshine but their owners preferred to stay indoors. One day the shadows pulled down all the shades, closed the blinds and drew all the curtains, bringing darkness to their respective homes. Then they slipped out unnoticed and took their walk together. They strolled along the path in the park, flitted among the trees, played hide and seek with each other, dodging behind other shadows out with their owners. Towards the end of the day when the shadows were becoming quite long they made one last photo of themselves, taking care that the sun should be behind the camera and not spoil the special picture. After subsequent goodbyes and promises to do it again someday, they hurriedly returned to their dark abodes.

Story #24


Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

This has to be my favorite since I started reading here. It was a fine way to start my day. Thank you.

Chris said...

My new most favorite thing to do is make comments about comments posted about pictures. I just decided that when i wrote "My". You're humor is backwards considering it is about making an innocent picture out to a twisted story. I like it.

Indeterminacy said...

I'm noticing the skewed nature of these stories and wondering whether or not they fit with the original idea of this blog, writing stories that in some way show concurrence with the real life behind the picture. Because of the way these stories are turning out any resemblance can occur only on an allegorical level. I do feel sorry for the individuals whose photos fall into my clutches.

Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

Art tends to follow it's own path. Once again the artist finds that the art is creating him and not the other way around.
Love and Light