"Melon" May Lo was known in a region comprising several hundred hectors of the Asiatic mountain range that was her home. Word about her twirled up phallic peaks and down floral valleys from boy-mouth to boy-mouth. May Lo's handiwork with the watermelon was so stunning that members of the less verbal male gender often had trouble expressing the experience in words. They would hem and haw and stutter their way through a stunned stupor - "And then...and th-th-then sh-she..." - while the physiological reaction induced by May Lo and the sweet fruit she used recurred in embarrassing intensity, creating quite an awkward mess to have happen during a boy-to-boy conversation. May Lo never saw any boy longer than a week, but that was part of the plan. After those days and nights spent subject to May Lo and her pronounced skills with the watermelon the boys were hooked, eating from then on two to three watermelons a week, originating from the one and only distributor of such exotic imports to the region: May Lo's father.
Story #195
Note: Thanks to Roachz of rambling_chicken.blogspot.com for her blind permission to use this photo. I hope she'll forgive me for the story.
Got to love a woman with nice, big, juicy melons.
(You saw that one coming a mile away, didn't you?)
i always liked that picture of her, and now it is more significant. great job as always.
Mushroom: But mass often has little to do with sweetness. ;-)
Retarius: Thanks. I'm hoping I can take this is a preliminary "she'll like it", as you know Roachz better than I do. She apparently won't be online for the next month.
Hi there.. Just passed by to tell you I've been away but haven't forgotten you... I'll be back soon! :)**
Retarius: Thanks a lot, I'll miss your stuff!
Indeterminacy: OF course I love it! That will help me conquest the porn industry! I'll try to always be around, so don't bitch ok? Haha. I'll know.
Hey Roachz! I'm glad you made it to Thailand. Me bitch at you? No way!
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