The lady in the moon lazily lifted her eyes. Her alarm clock screeched like a meteor skating on atmosphere. There was to be a full moon that night, meaning she would have to shine her very best. But she did not feel like showing herself at all. Her makeup had run out, and the solar tides had put her in such a state of exhaustion she couldn't even orbit her eyes, let alone her whole body. She sent out lunar waves of mayday to the clouds. "Cover me up," she begged them, "for I am too tired to glow."
"No," the clouds told her, "it has been an entire month since we've seen you in all your splendor, and we will not be denied this feast of light."
"If only someone would eclipse me," she cried, tears beginning to stream down the dark side of her face.
But none of the heavenly hosts volunteered to eclipse her. They were waiting, all of them, to see her this one special hour when no one of her curves was veiled. The lady of nighttime rolled over and went back to sleep. Once in a blue moon she shone only for the lovers in her own dreams.
Story #194
This must have been one of those 'clear moonless nights' when all the astronomy geeks gather in fields, huddling close in an almost romantic way yet with intentions as squeaky-clean as test tubes. Oh well, Luna has been hogging the scenery too much anyway, it's time to let the rest of the canopy have its turn.
ya know...i look at the pictures, really look at them, then i read what you write, and when i look at the pictures, they look different, and actually better. your words make the pictures look even better. you are magic.
oh, and i think this is probably my favorite so far, or one of the top three anyway...
Thanks Retarius. I really suffered for this story, staying up until 3:30 AM until I had something I thought was halfway postable. Knowing someone liked the story so much makes it worthwhile. I didn't think it was good enough to become someone's favorite.
Why do you always have to turn something mediocre into something so stunning? Paint me, and I know you will do me justice.
Hmmm Roachz, that sounds like an offer to send me photos ;-)
You're super!
P.S. I'm sure you're too pretty for me to do you justice, but it will be fun to try ;-)
And this is cool. I see from the web statistic that someone from nasa.gov read this story!
From NASA? Wow, now you've shown them the REAL deal about the universe.
How wonderfully written! This one just really struck me :)
NASA, eh? It's no wonder, we're always talking about celestial bodies on this site. See, even the astronomy geeks I mentioned earlier like girls who seem like stars or the moon. :)
Darkstorm: I don't know what to say. Thank you. *blushing* On second thought, maybe I shouldn't blush around you ;-)
Hehe! Your very welcome, credit where credit is due :)
On second thought, maybe I shouldn't blush around you ;-)
*looks all innocent* Whatever can you mean ;)
I tried to remember what I meant when all of a sudden I couldn't concentrate anymore. Isn't that weird? Maybe I've been writing too many stories.
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