The dogs trotted by as if nothing were amiss, but it bristled their fur to see a stray human out alone, without a leash. There were laws against that sort of thing. Humans had repeatedly shown themselves to be the most irrational and volatile creature on the planet. At any moment it might pick up the potted plant and hurl it against the building. Or turn on them screaming and kicking, for no apparent reason! Not even the wisest canine scientists were able to explain these unprovoked outbursts. Therefore the dogs remained nonchalant, exercised no sudden moves that might intrude on the creature's precarious mental equilibrium, and got the hell out of there. It had been a mistake to import the humans to the planet, but the damage had been done, indeed, was only just beginning. Once a male and female of the species got together all the barking in the world couldn't separate them. So each year there were more and more of the creatures walking around, and what was worse, they didn't even taste good.
Story #199
You all have been so great about contributing I wanted to start giving prizes, maybe once a month. So I'll start retroactively, write each poster's name on a slip of paper, one paper per story, and pick one at random. So anyone who contributed stories in February or March, one of you is going to win something. I'll announce the winner on Monday, and what they've won. There will also be prize for April, once the month ends.
Announcing the winner of the random drawing of all contributers: M.P. of Portugal! The prize is a black and white enlargement of one of my own photos, and a story to go with it. Sorry it couldn't be anything valuable.
Later today I'll move these stories to the companion blog: indeterminacies.blogspot.com. Anyone still wishing to post their version, please do so!
Buster knew a hot bitch when he saw one. "Look her there," he thought to himself, "how she's just standing there trying to get me to catch her scent. That little minx! She wants me!" Englantina was unaware that she was being so provocative, but figured it out quick enough when Buster yipped a seductive greeting to her. She wasn't into big strong males, and she was afraid that he'd pursue her doggedly. But she thought quickly and came up with a gambit to save her virtue. Instead of running away up the sidewalk as she was prone to do, she walked quickly to her right, toward Sunshine. Sunny was more his size and speed, and it was clear from this angle that she had what Buster really sought in a dame. Buster's tone changed as his simple interests shifted subject, and Tina was able to prance off to her left out of the way unnoticed as Buster moved in to sniff Sunny. Tina was successful in her ruse, and left to take a shih-tzu friend of hers out for dinner.
"Holidays in Greece! Ah, nothing can be compared to the hot sun, the splendid beaches and the beautiful women." Thats what Flaffy
thought, the brown little dog from London, when he saw a greek beauty passing by. He was there with his "boss", Amanda the psychic,
who owned him and several dogs as well. Her aim was to research into the non-verbal communication between humans and animals, and
living with them had proved to be a rewarding experience. Her supernatural abilities though, had gifted her more enemies
than friends and, almost chased by the media, she had managed to escape in a tiny greek island. "None will ever imagine to look for
me in this God-forsaken place." Or so she had thought before living for Greece. Without even turning around to look at him, Amanda read
Flaffy's thoughts and exclaimed: "Now let that poor animal go Flaffy! We did not come here for fun, we have bussiness to do!" But
Flaffy did not seem to listen to her, especially now that a local guy, almost half of his size but extremely confident as it seemed,
had started to dangerously approach the white beauty. Lazarus, like any other normal dog, telepathetically felt Flaffy's intentions
and turned around, ready to engage in a deadly battle! "Now come over here, if you dare! You, english nerd!" Lazarus, challenged him.
"whom do you call nerd? You, silly greek dwarf!" Replied Flaffy. What followed was an ugly fight between the two dogs, biting and hitting
each other, bleeding and endlessly barking. Then suddenly they stopped. Perplexed, taken aback with surpize and unable to say word, both
dogs stopped and stared at the dramatic scene that unfolded before their eyes. A car had just passed by and took with it forever the beauty
of the white animal for which both had fought with so much passion. "Everything is temporary in this world Flaffy." Amanda whispered to
him. "A big fuss over nothing. Now we have important work to do. "
Thanks Mush & Thanks Allmagica! They're both great and hard to top. That's why I don't read these until my story is written. ;-)
Allmagica: I don't know if you received my e-mail. Possibly your address is dormant? Please tell me your new Website so I can link it.
Peanuts is no astray dog.
He belongs to a U-class "milieu",has his own comfortable cushion to sleep on, special dog food, gets a bath every week ( although he hates that!) has to cope with a private vet every now and then, has U-class female companions and so on and so forth. All that a dog of his social class is thought to have...
Peanuts has his complaints to make though. He's never been happy with the places he's taken to and worse than that he's usually taken out on the lead!
This time there's a whole new excitement! He managed to escape through the front gate of his mansion garden and there he is joined to his very plebeian friends on an aimless wander through the many city-centre streets which happened to be loaded with thousands of legs, the right ones for ... a good pee.
Fuzzy of the frenetic filaments found Frou-Frou felicitously at the finitum of the fifi (formerly fe-fe) followers. Fuzzy fervently fantasized about fucking Frou-Frou. Photons reflected from Frou-Frou's fur fired his philandering. Frou-Frou's pheromones were forcing him to fornicate. He followed her, defying Fiona, who forbade it.
Fiona focussed on them, confused by Fuzzy's fecklessness. Finally she figured she'd inform family and friends that Fido was unfaithful because he forgot Frou-Frou was flatulent, infected with fungus, and infested with fleas.
And the dog live happily ever after in the stomach of a dog-eating Vietnamese, content to nourish his master. What an honourable way to exist in this dog-eat-dog world.
Where is Underdog while all this is going on!?!?
M.P.: I Haven't been plagued the way you mention in your story, but I often step on things I'd rather have missed.
Weirsdo: Fantastic! I'm fuddled as to how you found all those words!
I saw your email today and replied.
Hi. Thanks for linking to my blog. Your's is very cool I'm going to link to it from mine.
I've just popped in and what do I see?? I got a PRIZE! And please DO NOT minimise it!! It is a PRIZE, isn't it??? Thank you very much! Looking forward to getting it then!**
Thanks Courtney for the compliment and the link. Neither is necessary, but both are flattering.
I loved this post.
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