Alliteration Anna and Metaphor Max teamed up for a liason of lascivious lust. Max waxed metaphorical over the fun of waxing her pleasantly pulsing body with soap. Touching her was feeling music, the kind that went round and round in your head and refused to leave, like a Coke jingle. Max wanted to sing her as songs are sung, wanted to be tuned to her like a rustproof harmonica that never goes off key, in all its phallic glory. Anna was infatuated, too. The myriad of metaphors from Max's manly lips made her moan like a mating moose. Then something went wrong. Max's hands rubbing the soap into her skin squeaked against her, emitting an atonal sound diametrically out of sync with her inner rhythms. Their perfect love went from utopic to atrophic in seconds, melting faster than butter on a Cajun cactus.
Story #144
Her desires went from ectopic to catostrophic.
And it was he who really needed to be waxed. :-P
Terrific and tantalizing tale; the chuckles came like they can when catching a clown with a comb clenched in his crack.
You've got a hot tub theme happenin'. ;-)
I hadn't thought of that. Let's go to the beach tomorrow ;-)
I hope you had as much fun writing it as I had reading it. I think Simile Sam must have rigged the soap. ;)
Love and Light
Oh, well... I'd like to know what happened next... What about the result of this peculiar mix Aliteration and Metaphore?? And then this transition from utopic to atrphic that quick ?? Great weekend to you! :)
I _did_ have fun writing it. You all have heard of Jack Webb, right? Before he was on Dragnet he did several things in radio which were all pretty cool. One was a show called "Pat Novak" (late 40's) in which he rented boats and hired himself out as a private detective in his spare time. Point being, the show was filled with these hilarious rapid-fire metaphors: "The street was as deserted as a warm bottle of beer. The car started up down the street and the old man couldn't have made it with a pocketful of aces. I caught a glimpse of the license plate in a dull, surprised way, the way you grab a feather out of an angel's wing." For example. That was part of the inspiration for this, but I don't believe I come close.
Wow! I actually found a site where you can listen to some of the Pat Novak episodes:
M.P.: What could come of a tryst between Anna and Max? A baby pun perhaps? Or maybe couplets?
You're in top form today! Actually over the top. Great.
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