Lisa visited her great grandmother at every opportunity. She was devoted to her. The others thought her mind half gone, but Lisa loved the stories of romance the old woman told her. This was a woman who had lived her life to the fullest. She had no regrets, except maybe growing old. The woman spoke to her great granddaughter, and her mind sounded as clear as the tone on a classic Steinway piano. The 95 year old woman began to tell of a secret lover she had once had, a man with an astonishing command of ancient spells. In an intimate moment he had taught her some of his magic, a magic spell that she had kept to herself all these years. Now she felt it time to pass on what she had learned. Lisa could hardly wait to hear what it was all about. "Close your eyes and think of nothing," the old woman commanded in her stately voice. The girl did as told. She fought off all her thoughts and soon actually was thinking of some kind of nothing. In that instant she felt dizzy, and very weak. Lisa opened her eyes and stared stunned and speechless at herself, as if in a mirror with no glass. She grasped her own hand, and it was the wrinkled hand of an old woman. Impossible though it seemed, Lisa's consciousness found itself in her great grandmother's body. The shock so paralyzed her, she could hardly find the strength to move. "Well, I must be off now," the young girl's body said to the old woman in the chair, "I believe Lisa will have a date tonight."
Story #106
I will turn your face to alabaster
When you find your servant is your master...
You'll be wrapped around my finger. --The Police
Nice story, and I hope Grandma-moms has a nice time. :) (ps - you're welcome!)
Thank you again Mushroom. Without your feedback on the rough draft, the ending probably wouldn't have been as good.
I understood your text as being the awareness of continuity! The granddaughter received in her all the magic her grandmother owned and this magic will be continued until the generations stop existing. That's what the joining of the two individuals into only one - the distinction between the old mid and young body comes not to be perceived by the end of the text - led me to...I particularly like the moment the girl's hand graps her own old hand and says she must be off once Lisa has a date that very night!... :)Great!
lol Lisa wanted magick and she got a taste of it. It is a shame though, the irony. The only person in the family that knew grandma wasn't crazy is the very one she chooses to screw over. Dark one Sir Inde.
Love and Light
Thank you M.P., Musroom, and Robyn for your interpretations. Knowing your impressions I come to understand my own story much better.
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