Laura had only agreed to play strip poker with the boys on the condition they give her three extra cards per round, plus a joker. Up to now it had been a straightforward game. Tom lost his t-shirt, Levis and Snoopy socks all at once in a coup of Laura's trumping his pair of aces with a straight flush. Bill, a notoriously bad poker player came prepared with extra undershirts, vest, boxer shorts, gloves, hat, garters he had looted from grandpa's trunk in the attic, rain gear, and a jump suit. He looked quite stiff. Unfortunately his arsenel did not hold up under the relentless bomardment of threes of a kind, straights, flushes and aces high. Four rounds of Laura's joker reduced him to a meager jock strap. Now this was it. The final round. The final stitches on the boys. The bets were made, The fully clothed Laura, confident with the smell of victory, teasingly lay all her clothes on the line, all or nothing, just as the boys had planned. She scanned now the cards Tom had dealt her: 2 of clubs, 3 of diamonds, 4 of hearts, 6 of spades, 8 of diamonds, 9 of hearts, 10 of clubs, Q of clubs, and the joker. The boys layed their cards on the table and called while Laura gulped at the realization that she could not beat two royal flushes.
Story #89
Postscript (Dec. 6th 2007): All you folks coming in here via a search result might like Story #396 which is about stripping.
I once played a game of strip Pente.
Kinda hard to keep an ace up your sleeve if you lack sleeves...
And (I'm not saying I personally wouldn't be interested!) as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. She's the sort of girl that many boys dress with their eyes.
Thank you very much for your awfully nice words about my blog! I really enjoy blogging and this interactivity is one of things that appeal to me! The bilingualism (in this case Portuguese - English) helps me reach other people besides Portuguese... and motivates me to use a language I'm very much fond of: English! :)
Visit her blog. It's a wonderful respite:
The previous comment was mine... Thanks agsin!
I must have slept on this story. Some clever poker minds at the VN boards (http://vnboards.ign.com/Harvestgain/b5154/79399728/?8)noticed that Laura actually had a straight, so there was no reason to go with a pair of queens. The thought of Laura taking off all her clothes got me so flustered I didn't know what I was writing anymore. I called Tom to get the facts on what really happened and changed the ending accordingly.
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