Friday, March 04, 2005

Karla had just been kissed. And it caused a minor sensation. Except in Karla, where the sensation was decidedly major. Her shoulders hunched up and she staggered for a moment. But even then she could not open her eyes, as all her fantasies focused on the lingering residue of erogenous feeling. Everyone saw the affects of the kiss, but no one actually saw who it had been. One moment she was dancing alone and the next her lips glistened with a coating of fresh saliva. Perhaps it was magic, but Karla knew she had to have that boy. She opened her eyes and issued the demand that all boys present line up to recreate what had just occurred. The one whose kiss she recognized would be the recipient of..., well, of her. Just as the boys began assembling for their moment of tenderness something odd happened. They began slipping, bumping into each other, and running into trees. In the midst of all this chaos an invisible force grabbed her by the hand, jerking her forward on unsure steps, whisking her behind a rock. That's when her guardian angel introduced himself to her and apologized. Watching over her day and night, protecting her from harm, was nice to do. But her lips, her desirable lips had tempted him too long. He had to allow himself this one little slip.

Story #177


The Mushroom said...

Just as I suspected. Real people couldn't get a date with her, you have to be superhuman to score.

(I did date someone whose greatest aspiration was to marry the Pope. I tried to tell her it doesn't work that way, but she wouldn't hear it.)

Cori said...

-that one made me feel all mushy. (blush)

M.P. said...

Angels and Kisses.. Your text reminded me of "City of Angels".. I find this film very beautiful. Mystical in times of little Mysticism..

Nice weekend once again.. **

Indeterminacy said...

Hi MP. I never saw that movie, but it's my own fault, because we have the dvd here. But I absolutely love the German original of that "Himmer über Berlin" with Peter Falk. Extremely poetic. The inspiration must have been entirely unconscious because I wasn't thnking of the movie at all!

Indeterminacy said...

Cori? You're feeling all mushy? Time to move in with that kiss...

The Mushroom said...

Indie, darling, Cori said she was feeling Mushy -- and 'tis I who be blushing. :-P

Indeterminacy said...

I hope someone is going to have time to write a story this weekend.