Those of you who haven't yet heard, there's a new literary e-zine on the scene, called
Greenbeard, featuring an illustrious anthology of poetry, short stories, reviews and artworks. One of the main contributors is
Angela Meyer with several reviews and a story in the best tradition of Virginia Woolf's Orlando. There are film reviews by
Batul Mukhtiar, who herself is a filmmaker, and one by Greenbeard's editor
Mariana Sabino. Mari reviewed "Sedmikrasky", which is one of my favorite films - and thanks to her I finally understand it! You'll also find pieces by
The Observer,
Sherriff and
The Sylphidine. The only way I can list all the highlights is to copy and paste the table of contents. One of my pieces is in there too, and I feel quite honored about that, seeing the quality of the other contributions.
I will begin posting here again soon - I have just been lazy, enjoying life as if the Internet didn't exist. I do apologize to all of you who keep stopping by here. It was a great vacation, and we just missed a second snowstorm on the way back. Really. A few hours after we flew out of Chicago they cancelled around 500 flights because of a snowstorm.
The internet exists? Well, I'd better find out what its like then and Greenbeard sounds like a good place to start.
It'll be great to see the indeterminacy entry on bloglines nice and bold once again, and will be checking out Greenbeard for sure.
Pretty cool whatever that is. I'm having trouble locating your piece, though. Different pseudonym?
Oh, for the love of Pete. It took one paragraph into your piece to recognize your writing. Never mind.
Great story. Just what I'd been missing. The internet is a perfect warehouse for surplus souls.
Doug: After such a prescient first comment, I was sure you'd find the story quickly. But is my writing so easy to recognize?
Ian: I have no idea what that looks like - I don't follow my blog.
Good to have you back!
Doug: You got me. I wrote the story about the duck.
Banno: I have such nice readers to come back to!
Indeterminacy:Thank you for the info. regarding Greenbeard. I understand your statement, "enjoying life as if the internet didn't exist." It seems we all cannot live without it these days. We've had too much snow this year and it was good to hear that you made it out of there before they canceled flights. Maybe try the month of June next time you travel to the states? Although, spring is here and it is blossoming O2 and smells good too.
Hi Indie! Great to hear that you had a nice holiday! glad to see you are back :)
welcome back! enjoying life without the internet - a forced luxury sometimes ;)
Ann and her mother flew into a snowstorm in Vermont - in April! - when they went to check the catering arrangements for the wedding. They were scared, exhausted and excited. Struggling against obstacles revived Ann's interest. She had felt bogged down in details, but the effort of driving in chains on treacherous roads made her more determined to get every detail just the way she wanted it. The wedding would be beautiful.
I bookmarked the site and will and did a quick look see. Will give it a full look tomorrow. I want to be able to concentrate. Looks enticing, something my violin man will love for sure.
Glad you peeped back in but I understand the need for away time. Without the real world there would be nothing worthwhile to say.
Hi thanks for giving me a mention. I wanted to let you know your story was one of my favourites. Souls in the internet indeed.
Hi Indie, I too am back after 3 months in the unvirtual world.
Feels like coming home to find out what my friends are up to.
Thanks for the Greenbeard tip
thanks for sharing sir
I read your story. Nice job and congratulations.
You barely missed a snowstorm? You were lucky to get on your way before it hit. I'm glad you made back, safe and sound. I hope your vacation was relaxing and very enjoyable. It sounds like it was since you've been ignoring the existence of the internet.
Being lazy is okay. The internet and those who are not ignoring it are still here. We are lazy sometimes too, also, as well.
Well, I'm glad I can now pretend to be not as much of a loser as I really am for not coming around in awhile.
I'll check it out - Ezines are nice to get unheard of stuff*
EntreCard RED HOT DROPPING!!******
Cheers Everybody!! Billy ;)) Peace*
Take your time I'm in no rush to read your blog since I have a job now, I work 9 hours out of the day and have almost absolutely no time to myself but I wanted to say hello again.
Being lazy and being off the internet has been the best thing in a long time for me to be honest. I work with a guy that lived in Germany and he keeps talking about Germany and it always makes me want to go to Germany so bad. I bet it's nice there.
Take care Indie.
Mr Indecency!!!! It is time to get off your BUT and do the meem that I have taged you to do!!!!!
Oh, I'll keep coming back, Indy. Long term blogging requires periods of renewal.
I tagged S. A. C. A. D. A. Boy for it too.
Thank you everyone for all the kind comments and your patience - I find it so hard to get back into the swing of posting. I'll take the first step and reply to all the comments that have piled up...
Neverenoughtime: We decided we really have to visit during the summer next time, if only to see a major league baseball game once. Unfortunately, flights are always much more expensive during the summer :-(
La Delirante: Thank you - even if I haven't been entirely back yet.
Reese: once one forgets about the Internet, it's also sometimes hard to remember it is still there!
Irene: I actually went to Vermont for a weekend in April, before I left for Germany in 1987. It was to visit a German cousin of mine - the snowstorm happened after I arrived in Germany.
Cooper: Greenbeardmag is going to be online again soon with a second edition - which I can't wait to see. I'll post about that when it's online.
Observer: Thank you so much for your comment - I'm glad the story worked. I can say it was very fun to write. I didn't know if anyone would like it though.
Chook: You're welcome about the tip, and I'm glad that you are back too - your art projects have always been fascinating to follow.
Sandy: You're very welcome!
Mrs Weirsdo: You too!
Jamie: Thanks for commenting, and I owe you a long comment for your psychic prediction from last week. It's uncanny how it all came to pass.
Cheesemeister: You're no loser to me. But unfortunately I don't know of any of my readers ever winning the lottery because of stopping by here.
Billy: I'd settle for winning a trillion dollars by blogging. How do I it?
Aquaintance: I really feel I'm recharged and have to start writing again. I miss posting stories. Congratulations on the job!
Princess Haiku: It's a nice feeling to know you haven't forgotten me. I still have to find the right balance to blogging and not blogging.
Pansi: I can never say no to a lady, not that that has anything to do with this.
Hobbes: The SACADA kid will probably love having been tag - kids are always playing tag.
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