I am away for a two week vacation in the gentle, snowstorm-covered plains of Ohio. Until I'm back (around March 25th), I leave you with this wonderful work of art by Mayuko Fujino entitled "Dia de los Muertos Georama" which I playfully combined with a song from the 1930's. You are all invited to contribute your stories and impressions to this image, and when I'm back in two weeks or so, I will post my own story. In the meantime, you're also invited to enter and enjoy Mayuko's fascinating world of art spanning paper cutouts to shadow plays. Here are her sites you can visit:
Homepage: cohac.com/m
Myspace (videos): myspace.com/georama
Photo Galery: flickr.com/photos/mayuk
Note: The song I used is "My Unfaithful Cowgirl" by the Swift Jewel Cowboys (found at westernswing78).
Here is a static version of the image:

Another Note: A warm thank you to Cooper for featuring Indeterminacy at Shouldbefamous.net. With your help, Cooper, I really might be famous someday.
You picked a heck of a time to come to Ohio! It's snowing like hell outside!!
I hope all is well, haven't checked out your blog in awhile. Like usual, I fade in and out of blogging. Right now I'm faded in and have been writing brief descriptions of the books I read as I finish them. Check it out if you feel like it.
Keep up the good work!!
DT Holt
Hi D.T.! I'm glad you're back and blogging again. I'm not worried about the snow. I read this latest bulletin
"Worst of storm yet to come
A blizzard warning is in effect until 4 p.m. Saturday in anticipation tonight of heavy snow and wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour. Snow totals may reach 15 inches."
And we don't even land until about 45 minutes after the blizzard. They'll have things straightened out by then, right?
In case anyone worries and wants to check our progress, we are scheduled on UA 7885 (Saturday)from Washington DC to Cincinnati, scheduled to land at 6:48 PM, nearly three hours after the blizzard!
Yeah, it sounds like you'll be fine. I don't know what it's like in the Southern part of the state. I'm in a suburb of Cleveland and we're getting pummelled with snow as I speak.
Not that it's at all bad for me. I'm listening to a Carlos Santana/Buddy Miles record and sipping a nice Cabernet as I write this so, things are good!
Enjoy your stay in Ohio!
I just read the latest news and at the current moment there no flight delays - I can't imagine that that will hold, but at least everyone in Ohio will be indoors today listening to music and reading my blog ;-)
And if they have any sense about them, they'll be sipping a nice Cabernet while they do it!
Have a good flight.
Mariachi! Sombreros! Cute Mexican guys! Bluestocking librarian, throw away your inhibitions!
Wait a minute - these guys' faces are - yuck - skulls. What is this, the dance of death?
Well - I came to dance and have a good time. The music is fun. What the heck. Ole!
The picture caused me to burst forth in Spanish:
Feliz vacationes!
Ohio está muy frío!
Espero tú tienes un abrigo.
I said a prayer for you to have a safe journey.
I hope you have a terrific vacation. I suppose you will see family and friends that you haven't seen for awhile.
We are in Washington but will hve to spend the night, our flight was three hours late arriving and our connecting flight was cancelled, so here we are. Thanks Jamie for your prayers. I really did feel better. Now we can have a good night's sleep before going on.
Great comments so far, can't wait to see what the next visitors write. I was in so much of a hurry I didnt thank properly for all the stories for the last picture, so thank! It was a great round, and this time around there really is a violin in the picture!
Have fun and enjoy your vacation, Indy. I understand that it's snowing in Ohio and that should be beautiful.
Thanks Princess! At least Lenny will be able to lay in the snow - we had so little snow in Germany this winter - but it's also supposed to melt right away. We'll see.
wow have a safe trip to Ohio! Sounds like they got a LOT of snow.
I love snow, we have rain and wind here in NYC! Incense will not be arriving, my fault, sticks ran out, I gave out samples to people I had not seen in months that just showed up out of the blue.. I'm a big softie.. BUT I will have even more to send you in the near future because by then the beeeg stick shipment will have arrived and I have almost all the EOs I need.. so it's good-ish news-ish. :) Have a wonderful time, try to get in some sledding maybe? :)
Hi Indie!! Lovely picture! I love "Día de los muertos" pictures! The song is superb! I also love 1920's and 1930's music :)
Have a wonderful vacation in Ohio!
¡Viva Mexico! Me encantan las calaveras. Did you see my burros, Indie? My last blog I dedicated to you. Gracias por tu inspiración. (Thank you for your inspiration).
Remindz me of that Mexican Wedding Scene out of Babel*
I laffed seeing Diamond David Lee Roth performing Jump with amazing Backing Acoustic Strings Mariachi Western Swing Players on Leno a Year ago*
;)) Peace*
I love that image.
Hope all is well with you trip and the weather has calmed itself down some.
Have a wonderful time!
i'm really enjoying the song, it reminds me of this carnival ride i went on when i was little... though i'm pretty sure there weren't any unfaithful cowgirls there.
have a fantastic time in ohio indie! it's so hot here i would love to see some snow.
take care
Nice write-up from Cooper, Indie. Well deserved too.
The write up on shouldbefamous is good. You SHOULD BE famous.
I loved the song.
Have a good holiday.
Happy Easter!
Indie ~ I can't help but wonder if you are now thoroughly bored with Ohio. I mean ... it's Ohio. That's like choosing to visit Iowa or Deleware. Do you have family there? Still - I hope you had a fine Easter and a great holiday. Cheers!
Hi Indy,
Hope you are enjoying your vacation. I have a post that I would enjoy your reading, about a mysterious slip of paper I found in a book about ZAP. Let me know what you think after you return and catch up. It will be dated about March 22.
Listen up, Hombre! It wasn't none of us that robbed Dirty Sanchez! Even though we do have a reputation as banditos, really the only thing we steal is hearts! We're just traveling caballeros singing for our supper. Besides, Sanchez, he always feeds us. So why would we rob one of our own hermanos? It's like Hobbes said. The policia ought to be turning their attentions to a certain gay "French" skeleton that stole Dirty Sanchez' heart and then his bank roll. Es verdad? He says his name is Maurice, but we know him by another name: Don Juan Perverto. And it just so happens that he is not really French either! So if the policia could please stop staring at us while we're trying to play a gig it would really help 'cause they're making us nervous and we keep making the mistake, and it's kind of hard to dance the Sombrero Dance when the band is all loco and off key!
Muchas Gracias,
Yorba Eduardo
Sorry it's been awhile since I've been here life hasn't really been going my way to say the least lately. Clouds is going to absolutely love that story for her photo, I don't think she even knows you've written it yet?
We're all pictures of Mexican men with our sunny skin facing the breeze. We look simple but if we jumped we could fly.
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