Pleasure cruises, those rendezvous of the young, rich and beautiful were extremely expensive, so there the cruisers all were, dancing on the deck, ladies and men mingling and lingering with the one they had found among the waiting willing. As Gerry and Yvonne meshed into each other's arms it was like two electromagnetic surfaces pressing together. They danced in oblivion of the others, of the ship and the waves it hurdled through. The beat of the new-found partner was all that mattered.
Captain Rogers viewed from above with deep satisfaction. Half of the couples would begin a new time together, a seed sprouting into the fascinated intertwinings that initial attraction enjoyed. For some this would last a lifetime, others, merely a night, after which they'd return to the deck for the next dance. The captain was satisfied with his contribution to society, and proud that he had made the experience affordable. All the feeling of a Caribbean cruise and none of the expense, by building the open air ship's deck right next to the downtown.
Story #399
German word of the day: mittelprächtig (see above). Thanks to everyone who contributed a story/caption!
Now let's play a game of Russian Roulette. Six cool bloggers:
[one], [two], [three], [four], [five], [six]
Take your click...
Where's Waldo?
That's it, that's my whole story.
"Listen I'm telling ya, I'm the fecking Pope. Now get back on the dance floor before youse attract attention" (Bald Man in yellow T-shirt near front of picture.
"Bond. James Bond." (guy in turquoise swim pants says with a smirk) - sound of approaching helicopter and a sudden gun rifle
ps: Ha ha the grocer!
It seemed to him that everyone else had forgotten. They would eat, drink, dance, pair off at the farthest reaches of the enclosure, then rejoin the others for drunken games of shuffleboard. But Henry felt the eyes on him always--the scrutiny of science. He longed for the real sky, the real moon, the half-remembered sun.
"What's the name of this band again?" he asked his girlfriend over the music. "The Invisible Mimes," she said. "Tina was right -- they put on a great show!" And they all danced to the deafening silence from the speakers.
Upon the broadcast direction of the Prophet, who had already made his own ascension, the followers paired off and carefully made sure that all limbs were intact and sufficiently flexible to withstand the force of their celestial voyage in an unpressurized rocket chairs. The non-believers looked on in disbelief, oblivious to the impending threat...
"This isn't what I thought gerontology class would be when I signed up. I bet the mortarboard is blue."
Who's that man in the blue Spee-dont's?!
In preparation for a music video, random volunteers were recruited directly off the street to test lighting on the set. Nobody told them it was just a test.
I'll take a risk and say they're cool stories. But I want to wait to read them until I've written my own. I'm afraid I won't know what to write if I read the stories beforehand!
Anyhow, thank everyone for playing and keep 'em coming!
The sun, the air, the devilishly good looking me in devilishly horrible speedos dancing to devilishly horrible 70s funk.
*men, not me
I have nothing creative or interesting to say about this picture, but I am interested in seeing your next picture and hopefully come up with something then. I love how you get everyone involved on your page. What a cool idea. Visit me- lamegocracks.blogspot.com
Hey, I just realized I'm an empty chamber! Thanks, Indie. It was my only aspiration.
Hey this swing dating is way more than I anticipated! I think I am definately over dressed!
If the rumours were true then the world was gone and all they had was this boat floating onward to..what? May as well dance and eat and smile and celebrate every known holiday every minute of the day until they knew what the future, if there was going to be a future, would bring.
(Thank you for the kind comments on my blog its like the wonderful things you do just a way a mind works I think. I love looking looking looking then I recall one thing and another and I find them again. I can never plan it just happens over time I find things and they come together and its like "ah" then it makes sense.
If it were not for people caring to gather images to share no matter how small the subject then it would never happen.)
How did I get here? I am so confused! Who are all these people? Why are they so happy when the WORLD IS COMING TO AN END TOMORROW!! (guy in white t-shirt by the stage staring out at the dancers)
Noah didn't have the heart to tell anyone the truth, as every passenger had paid for a world cruise.
Okay everyone... five more minute of Bikini Foxtrot, and then it's time for Blindfolded Shuffleboard!
Really looking forward to that one. When are you posting your story? Oh God, I think am hooked! Oh no!
The flier for this event was as follows:
"Don your most unattractive sun gear and dance like no one's watching at our Christmas in the Bahamas Dance Fest! Chances are no one will want to watch, anyway!"
How can you all have so many ideas?! It's incredible. And I can't think of anything that I like. So I'll think some more....
-Hey, I have got a business idea...
Lets make a stadium-sized a time travel machine like Contact!
- But sir, our technology will only let us travel to 1985!
-Where will we find so many people who not only WANT to go back to the 80's but also be able to supply all their own clothing......
(People in Crowd- Is it true that Oingo- Boingo, Toto, and Dexy's Midnight Runners are all playing here tonight?
(hard one, but then I spotted the person at the side dragging the woman in the multicolored dress- got it!)
"Come on. You're the navigator! You have to go!" said the hapless staff member sent to drag this woman from the dance by the Captain.
"Couldn't I just watch a little?" the woman in the dress, who happened to be an escapee from the bridge (she was supposed to be helping the Captain navigate).
"No! You must help Mister... uhh... Captain navigate! We must stay on course!" the staff lady cried. She gave another tug at the impassive navigator. "You have to help! What if we hit an iceburg?!"
"In the Caribbean? Unlikely," the renegade navigator replied calmly. "Now please let me go. I've always wanted to learn to tango, and I want to hear this band."
"But, he needs help..." the staff stammered.
"YOU help," the navigator replied, and left the unfortunate staffer crying, "But I can't navigate! I don't know east from... east!"
On the downside, a few weeks later the ship ended up in Liberia when it was supposed to be going to France. But, the navigator was quite pleased, as she was never caught, and did learn to tango quite well by the time it was over.
He fed yu spam?? Wel then whut ar yu complainin abowt? He sownds vary nise, but may be a litul tempurmentul.
The kastur joose mite be a problum tho. That maks me konstipatid. Yu dont want to kno how bad that iz.
Konstantin was frustrated. Xaviera had promised she'd meet him at the Marina Cafe. Yet nobody that fit her description had appeared so far. The problem was he had only seen her silhouette through the window shade previously. He started to wonder about the logic of meeting a woman who got her cheap thrills off being not quite an exhibitionist but a tease. Maybe he'd be better off just strolling down to the cantina and tying one on. He'd probably find an easy chick there. He usually did.
But that was so empty, and Xaviera--if that was her real name--held the promise of such mystery...
And of unfulfilled desire.
Konstantin headed for the Cantina. As he walked away, the woman of his dreams approached the table and sat down to wait, hoping that the man she would be meeting would look a lot like the guy she saw walking away.
After struggling with this story for a little longer than I like, I finally get to read all of the contributions! Somehow it always feels like my birthday when I read all the stories other people wrote. Thanks everyone for sharing your creativity with me/us!
Joey: ROTL! I saw that book recently! Nice connection. It really does look like that.
The Grocer: Cool! There are so many little details in this picture - this one I hadn't seen at all.
Iris: Wow! I think this picture might have several hundred stories. It does look like a scene from Bond where something is about to happen.
Nora: Poetic! Wish I could have written something as easily as you. Now I will try to find Henry.
DW2: Nice one! I noticed that too, the empty stage. It made me wonder what they were dancing to.
Kathy: Perfect! That's the kind of story I like best, something devious about to happen. Wish I'd written it.
Doug: Wicked, as always. (And you're welcome about the chamber).
Papillon: Good question! Who _is_ he??
The OE: Really cool! Love how that places with reality and appearences.
Anonymous: It does have something 70's to it - maybe it's the way they're dancing.
Mego: Thanks for the kind words - you're very welcome back. I can never take the credit for the participation thing - it wasn't my idea at all and at first I was skeptical it would work. This was a suggestion by one of my early readers, Robyn, who had a wonderful mystical-spiritual blog, but gave it up after a while.
Steamy Philosopher: That's a cool phrase "swing dating" - it sounds like fun too!
Happy LOL Day: Thank you for the fascinating story. It fits the photo quite well. I thought in my own sarcastic way of calling the ship Titanic 2 and have it hit an iceberg. But in the age of global warming the icebergs aren't big enough to make a noticable bump. Thanks also for the very kind words!
Claudia: You're right! He does look kind of dazed and confused.
K.Wecker: Biting sense of humor in one line! My kind of humor again. Thank you.
Inquiring Mind: Blindfolded foxtrot woulöd be more fun, I think. You get to touch!
StefLHowe: Little did they know that several thousand people caught a snapshot of it at indeterminacy.
Robert: I'd go back to the 1980's! It' when I left the States, and it's the time I miss. But I've sicne bought newer clothes.
Talespin: I'm never good at dialogue, so most of my stories have very little of it. Cool that you worked this out. Is that the tango they're doing?
Soggy: Dance floor chitchat - very nice! Say hi to Cheesemeister for me.
Cheesemeister: Thanks for the "last but not least" story which reminds me of the first spontaneous story I wrote - it was supposed to me about meeting the girl/boy of your dreams for the first time. This would have been a cool, unexpected variation. (I posted it as story #279.
Thanks for featuring me as a cool blogger--I have been called many things, most of them unrepeatable in polite company. Cool is a pretty rare one!
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