With all those bodies breezing about out there it was destined to happen. Doug and Marsha got together. Warm skin against warm skin caused blood flowing parallel to tepid blood to sizzle in the veins. A mile-high feeling of dizzying ecstasy charged through them. With each pelvic thrust they shot into unfolding realms of altitude, hotly defying the futile "no's" of gravity. The carnal splendor saw them swirling through boundless tangents, an intertwining one with the stratosphere.
Subsequent to an extremely bumpy ride George inspected his jet car, wiping clouds from the chassis. It never ceased to astonish him how the random formations invariably culminated in some kind of meaningful gestalt.
Story #184
The reader stories have all been reposted at indeterminacies.blogspot.com.
two items:
#1 - The full name of my site (which isn't a blog, it's an archive of found photos and lost memories) is Laughter is the Spackle of the Soul.
#2 - The name of the photo when I found it awhile back was "Explain This To Your Wife"... which sums it up for me. :-P
Have fun while you're here...
have a good vacation and a safe trip. and thank you for mention, i really appreciate it.
Have a nice vacation! I'll be waiting for your return. :)
Have a nice break - sometimes a break from it is the best incentive to get back in to it. :)
Thanks for the mention, and have a good vacation. I've already been checking out your links. I do blog explode. Maybe they just show the pansi files to christian right mommy bloggers. . . .
Well folks this is just a short note to let you know that Inde from The Synchronicity of Indeterminacy has reached the US intact. He and his family have finally slept off the jet lag and all is well. He called this evening to let us know how he is and to set up our meeting. It looks like we will be going to COSI on Friday. It is a really cool place if you are from or near Ohio I highly recommend it.
have a nice holiday!
I got in trouble once with a imprint like that - but my volvo is red...
I haven't been able to post comments in... well, forever.
I hope you and your family have a great holiday. And thanks for the mention.
Hi all! and thanks for the well-wishes! We're having a fine time, mostly seeing sites in my home town, something hometowners never do. We did enough shopping at the outlet malls to last a year. Mushroom: did you find this picture already? That's really cool. Can you point me to your story? Sorry for imploying that your site is a blog. I was in a hurry to post my goodbye post. Robyn gave me an idea for this photo that wqas so brilliant I couldn't do it. But I have this:
With all those bodies breezing about out there it was destined to happen. Doug and Marsha got together. Warm skin against warm skin caused blood flowing parallel to tepid blood to sizzle in the veins. A mile-high feeling of dizzying ecstasy charged through them, With each pelvic thrust they shot into opening realms of altitude, hotly defying the futile "no's" of gravity. The carnal splendor saw them swirling through boundless tangents, an intertwining one with the stratosphere. Subsequent to an extremely bumpy ride George inspected his jet car, wiping clouds from the chasis. It never ceased to astonish him how the random formations invariably culminated in some kind of meaningful gestalt.
See you soon.
Hey, good to see you around...
No, this picture will never be on Spackle because it was found in cyberspace (someone mailed it to me), not on the sidewalk. Can hardly wait for your return... enjoy! :)
"It appears, Holmes, that the police arrested a young woman and took her away in handcuffs. See, first they stretched her prone over the bonnet of the vehicle, searched her, then brought her up so she could lean against the bonnet with her hands. They then cuffed her and took her away."
"Ingenious, Watson, but incorrect. Clearly the woman was engaged in an act of passion with her male companion."
"But, Holmes, her pantaloons are still about her waist."
"Only in the front, my dear Watson. Her companion sought acess to her posterior."
"Alimentary, my dear Watson. Alimentary."
Dropped by to wish you and your a HAPPY Easter wherever you are! I'll try to publish the story for this pic before you get back! :)**M.P.
Hi! I'm back in Europe, but still resting a few days after all the shopping ;-)
You're all still welcome and invited to post stories for this photo, to show me all the things I couldn't think of with my six months with this photo.
Sue: Thanks for the Holmes story. You don't know what a big fan of Sherlock Holmes I am. I've read most of the stories several times, and always seem to come back to them.
pansifiles.blogspot.com sent me a version and I'll post it here. It reminds me of the new types of sexuality Philip Jose Farmer explored in some of his science fictions, like "The Lovers", etc. I love this!
Splorp! The sound came from the alien's protruding eyeballs colliding with the hood of the car. His handlike second feet as well as the claws and front section of his first pair of legs also made violent contact, and his third legs scrabbled against the bumper, trying to push the rest of his thorax onto the smooth, metallic surface. He wished the Earthling inside would stop screaming. For the first time he realized this wasn't going to be easy. She might not believe the story of how he, along with the rest of his team of scientists, had kidnapped her mother 19 Earth years ago for bizarre sexual experimentation. Hurriedly, he readjusted his eyeballs, trying to get a better view of her. Only two sets of appendages, but he thought she had his eyes. . .
#1, I was there when the photo was taken- here's what really happened.
A man walked into a bar and saw a beautiful blond sitting alone. He introduced himself and told the blond she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and could he buy her a drink? She said "Wait just a second, I only date men of means."
He told her "I'm an accountant in private practice."
"And I only get involved with men who aren't afraid of commitment."
"I've been married for 25 years and have two young children."
The blond thought about this and said, "OK, but I only practice safe sex."
"Don't worry," the man said, "my Volvo's parked right out front."
Thanks for printing the story. Glad you enjoyed it. I've never read that sci-fi writer. The inspiration was real-life testimony from wackos and a game I once played involving writing stories around words and phrases pulled at random out of a hat. . . .
I liked yours too, Doug, but Pansi hated it, even though she's more pink than blond these days.
HI.. At last... Alhtough I'm a bit late - after all there was about a fortnight for the set task... LOL - here I am.
"She had kept that pic for some time now. She had no proof of it but perhaps there had been rape. Or just some uncontrolled coupling for which time had been too short.
Whenever she observed that very pic - one of the hundreds she had in her collection of odd exposures - she always came to feel a strange vibration she could hardly explain. Some sex prevert for sureand the body could have belonged to one of the victims.
She felt attracted to think of what sort of truth this pic might hide but that strange vibration had always led her to avoid getting into any sort of investigation of her own.
Easter Sunday.
At that right moment she was sitting at a café, one of the very few open in the city-centre the morning.
She had just finished drinking her coffee when a male voice whispered into her ear: "Don't turn! Stand up and go striaght on to that red car on the other side of the street! Get in and wait!"
What a chill through her spine! That voice had made her feel as strange as that vibration coming from the photo in her collection of odd exposures she was so proud of."
There you are. Nothing much really but I tried.. ;)** M.P.
HI.. At last... Alhtough I'm a bit late - after all there was about a fortnight for the set task... LOL - here I am.
"She had kept that pic for some time now. She had no proof of it but perhaps there had been rape. Or just some uncontrolled coupling for which time had been too short.
Whenever she observed that very pic - one of the hundreds she had in her collection of odd exposures - she always came to feel a strange vibration she could hardly explain. Some sex prevert for sureand the body could have belonged to one of the victims.
She felt attracted to think of what sort of truth this pic might hide but that strange vibration had always led her to avoid getting into any sort of investigation of her own.
Easter Sunday.
At that right moment she was sitting at a café, one of the very few open in the city-centre the morning.
She had just finished drinking her coffee when a male voice whispered into her ear: "Don't turn! Stand up and go striaght on to that red car on the other side of the street! Get in and wait!"
What a chill through her spine! That voice had made her feel as strange as that vibration coming from the photo in her collection of odd exposures she was so proud of."
There you are. Nothing much really but I tried.. ;)** M.P.
M.P.: That goes under ths skin. Your story is remarkable and chilling. A very difficult mood to create in a story. Thank you for sharing it with me/us.
Did yu notice that the person on the bottom of the couple was wearing pants? It isn't as naughty as you all thought. Look closely and you will see the imprint of the jeans.
Hello... I actually got this as an e-mail from a friend about 4 months ago... Just been waiting for a good time to post it!
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