Friday, August 27, 2004

The new way of smoking was hailed by all. No more smoke. No more smells. No more cigarette butts and ashes all over the place. No more cancer. Now the nicotine could be absorbed directly in streamed electron form via a surgically implanted chip interface right in the middle of the forehead. Nicking off, they called it. The nicotine was cyber-injected through the interface and into the brain with no stops in between, settling forever the issue of "Do you mind if I smoke?" For the sake of nostalgia the nicotine containers were kept in the form of the old cigarette packages including a new message from the surgeon general telling everyone to have a good time. The process of alcohol consumption was dealt with in a similar manner but in keeping with the secretive nature of that addiction the chip interface was kept out of sight and in the back of the head.

Story #15

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's very scientific. Plus, it took me quite a while to quit so I find it difficult to joke about it;)