Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lips looking ladylike she smiled like always, then pouted, the rapid metamorphosis wrenching my reason from a grasp already unsure. We worked together, side-by-side for months. Businesslike. Official behavior, the way that colleagues do. I stalked her secretly, saw the URL she visited once, and noted it, repeating the address intensely to myself until I could write it away: an online beauty contest she'd won: "Loveliest Lips on a Lady" contest. Thousands of males lustful and lusting came voting for that facial detail of hers, some sharing comments imaginative in ways to make lipstick blush. She read every one. But I could enjoy her lips anytime I wanted to, at least the view of them. She was much too involved with her work to notice my rapt appraisal of that lower hemisphere of the face. There were moments, though, that she suspected. The sight of her then sent me spinning away. I'd blurt out words I knew could make no sense. Lorelei lips. Slashdotted lips. Anything but subliminal. And then it all went black. Then suddenly light, as she pressed my reboot button to call me back. This was the finest moment. As she waited, and I booted, those lips formed words at me: "Damned Vista!"

Story #424

Since I kept you all waiting so long, I think the least I can do is post the next story right away with the photo. I check my logs occasionally and see some of you stopping by from time to time, hoping maybe to find a new post. Thanks for the compliment.

Anyone who feels like it is more than welcome to post their own story to the above photo as a comment, but don't feel obligated. I guess I owe you all a few for the long wait.

Important message: is back! New format, new stories. Check it out!


Doug The Una said...

Hysterical. It reminds me of a headline from The Onion: "OK, TIVO gets it. You like porn."

Indeterminacy said...

Dangerous comment Doug! The hysterical part. I may start up posting again!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you have people coming by to check on a new post... :-)

but you have to ask: haven't they heard of an RSS feed? Bloglines? Google Reader?

So Indie... is she really a colleague?

Ariel the Thief said...

Indie, it was hilarious! The photo got a new sense, too. :-)

Indeterminacy said...

Ian: I pay people to do that. You don't seriously believe Doug was hanging around for five weeks checking in here every five minutes to see if I posted. I hope he wasn't!

Ariel: We got a new laptop which my wife is using, and that's all I hear about Vista now.

Indeterminacy said...

P.S. Ian: No, she's not a colleague. She's in another country so you have no chance of meeting her. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Supercilious. That was what people thought when they met Paulina. It wasn't just that she was a genius supermodel married to a fit young millionaire who treated her like a goddess. No, it was something about her expression. . . .
And then people began to notice that slowly but surely those superb cilia--her eyebrows--were fading. The left eyebrow went first, perhaps, it was speculated, because she habitually wore it even higher than the other one. Desperately she tried to cover, penciling in the vanishing hair, wearing brighter shades of lipstick to call attention away from her brow, finally trying brow implants--but all in vain.
In a few months it was over. The modeling career went first ("The pencil can't fool the camera, darling"), followed by the husband, who took up with a supermodel, whose single beetling brow, it was rumored, had to be shaved and waxed. Strangely, people even found Paulina less intelligent, especially since with all her theoretical physics she could not begin to explain the mystery of her vanished eyebrows.
Hardened and embittered, Paulina tried to take her ire out on the students at the community college where she at last obtained an untenured post, but they were not at all intimidated by her frowns.
At last she had no choice but to become humble. She now walks with a downcast visage, doing good works and caring for her adopted bald children.

Anonymous said...

hey...:D its so nice to see this story..thank you for that..Lala

Indeterminacy said...

You're so welcome!

The Mushroom said...

"Zo..." Ilsa said vindictively, "you zink you vill get away from me vithout paying zee price?"

I retracted into the seat I was attempting to bolt out of a second earlier. My heart raced. She was a mad woman, one never knew what she was going to pull out of her black bag or whether one would survive it.

"I have nooz for you, mister" she said as she moved from the edge of the doorway to right smack dab in front of me, blocking my egress. "You are not so lucky. You vill sit here and you vill pay your due."

I could feel the wrinkles of my forehead become damp and my palms become clammy. I had to remember to breathe. She moved in closer, an inch from my knees, and began leaning her shoulders forward as she bent a few degrees at the midriff. Fear embraced me, and I embraced it back.

With a half-sneer she opened her blouse, one button at a time, staring me in the eye as she dictated, "You vill not soon forget vhat you will feel here today." She pulled her blouse open to the sides, then dropped the fabric. Her hands then went to the snap of her vinyl pants and opened it with a deft movement, and after the zipper went down three inches she clasped the two pointing ends of the opening while, still looking straight through me, she laughed coldly and added "You vill not soon make that mistake again."

She was going to be right about one thing: If I survived whatever it was she had in mind, I most certainly would not soon forget it. It was to be seen whether I would regret my mistake or whether I would purposely make it again, but at this moment as the blouse and pants hit the floor I suspected that the answers would be the opposite of what she intended.

Sandy said...

Dont look at me like that. Let me tell you one thing. The pretty hair u see on my is actually a wig.

Indeterminacy said...

Mush: I wish I knew what you had those lips saying but I can't read German ;-)

Sandy: Strange - I can never tell if a woman is wearing a wig - with men you can always tell.

Mindful Mimi said...

Good to see you're back. So you like pouty lips? :-)
Sorry, I wasn't inspired by this photo... (maybe I don't like pouty lips).
Keep on posting - I do check regularly - No I did not subscribe to your RSS :-) I am one of those persons that prefer to check a site when I feel like it not when some machine sends me a message to do so...

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Traci was really happy with the new lips she got at Dr. Quincy's Plastic Surgery Emporium in the Netherworld. She was so happy she couldn't stop smiling. Then she realized something awful: she really COULDN'T stop smiling!

zXc said...
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zXc said...
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Anonymous said...

She's u, tterly gorgeous, bro. I write
about summoe neetOrama thºts/
idəɛz which should capture thy
capacity4eternity, dude-withe-lude:
I'm a Near Death Experiencer (which
means I saw literal 7thHeaven as
have millions 'round the world).
DunnoFyooWannum... yet sHe wants
YOU. Wanna? Wannum? LemmeX:
● ●
Cya soon, brudda...